Instructor Training

The Certification Process:

Although almost anyone can participate in the instructors’ training workshop, only qualified participants will be certified to teach after they have successfully completed Steps 1 to 5 below. Please inquire with the master trainer who will be conducting the workshop for more information.

Qualified participants include:New TCHI Instructors Trained in April 2019

  • Tai Chi teachers or advanced students (at least one year of experience)
  • Physiotherapists or physical therapists
  • Occupational therapists
  • Allied health professionals
  • Nurses
  • Rheumatology professionals
  • Qualified exercise instructors/leaders
  • Other appropriate health professionals
  1. Register for an Instructor Training Workshop

  2. Prepare for the workshop

  3. Attend the workshop

  4. Register with the Tai Chi for Health Institute Board

  5. Keep your credentials up to date


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Or go to our news blog here: NEWS

About Us

We provide Tai Chi classes and instructor training in Perth and other regions within Western Australia. We specialise in the delivery of the Tai Chi for Health programs designed by Dr Paul Lam and his team of medical and tai chi experts at the Tai Chi for Health Institute.

For more detailed information about each program, go here: Tai Chi for Health Programs

To find a class near you, go here: Class Locations

To see our list of instructors currently certified by the Tai Chi for Health Institute, go here: Certified Instructors